The NSW Government has committed to the development of public spaces in Frenchs Forest, Beaumont Hills and Kogarah in the next few years. The funds have been earmarked in the 2019-2020 budget, where $19 million shall go to the improvements and addition of green spaces in these particular precincts.
These $19-million projects will be divided into the following:
- $9 million for new walking tracks and bike trails in Frenchs Forest.
- $6 million for a new playground area and running track at Kempt Field for Kogorah.
- $4 million for an open space with nature trail and pathways at Smalls Creek, Caddies Creek and Withers Roads in Beaumont Hills.
In particular, Frenchs Forest will use twelve hectares of land at the Wakehurst Parkway for this open space upgrade.
The decision coincided with the release of the Greater Sydney Outdoor Survey results, where residents said they want more green spaces to walk and bike around. Councillor Rob Stokes said that this will be incorporated in the Strategic Open Spaces program of the government.
“We want public and open spaces to be front and centre when we are planning new infrastructure so that every Sydneysider has access to great outdoor environments within walking distance of their homes,” Mr Stokes said.
“Whether it’s providing new walking tracks or sporting fields, playgrounds or picnic benches, there is so much we can do to ensure our public spaces are fantastic outdoor living rooms.”
The plans for the open space are still in its early stages and a period of consultation with the public will be conducted in the coming months.